This year has been a roller coaster for sure. Since my preschool as closed down for the year due to Covid-19. I have been hosting virtual art classes on Zoom for my preschool students. This as been a learning curve but I feel like I am improving each week. I have enjoyed seeing the kids getting excited about each new art class. I have also gotten to meet their older siblings.
We have done a mixture of art projects focusing on different art principles. With each art class, the kids listen to a read-aloud book, learn about an artist, and then I give instructions on how to do the art project. In the end I always leave time for the kids to share about their week and to talk with their friends.
With the preschool year coming to an end I have decided to teach a virtual summer art camp on zoom. Each week will be a different theme. All ages are welcome to join and if you're interested in a class tailored to your child's interest I can make that happen too. The classes will be $5. One on one classes will be $10 each.
If you're interested please check out my Facebook page Art with Ms. Kathy. Events and details will be posted within the group.